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the Queenship of Mary Community…

"The mission of the Queenship of Mary Community is to assist Our Blessed Mother, Queen of Heaven. and Earth, in gathering together a spiritual army, in an unfailing endeavour to bring God’s children out of the darkness back into His marvellous Light."
-Excerpt from the Queenship of Mary Community Constitution
Salt + Light “Behold” Episode
Salt + Light Media featured the Queenship of Mary Community Motherhouse project on a recent episode of “Behold”! Check it out below!
The Heart of Mary
We daily consecrate ourselves to our Blessed Mother, and seek to imitate her virtues of profound humility, lively faith, blind obedience, continual mental prayer, mortification in all things, surpassing purity, ardent charity, heroic patience, angelic sweetness and divine wisdom.
We pray to radiate the feminine heart of Mary, and in doing so to act as a beacon of hope .
Our Consecration
As religious sisters we seek to fully embrace our evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience, and devote ourselves totally to the Lord in a life of prayer and sacrifice for the world. We have a special devotion to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and strive daily to come before Him in Eucharistic Adoration. We implore God's grace through our sacramental life, praying the Divine Office, the Holy Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet as well as Praise and Worship.
Community Life
As sisters we live in common and strive to love one another as Christ has loved us. We make every effort to surrender ourselves, to listen with our spiritual ears, and to ask God to reveal to us the needs of the Church today, more particularly, those of our sisters. Our apostolate flows from our communal life. The unity of hearts among our sisters in community strengthens us so that through God’s grace we are better prepared to respond to His call in loving service of all our brothers and sisters.
Spiritual Motherhood
We pray daily for our priests who have such an important ministry and call in the world, and we seek opportunities to assist them in their mission of evangelization. As Mary would care for her Son Jesus, we strive to care for our priest sons who are "In Persona Christi". We also seek to imitate Mary, Mother of the Church and show our motherly care towards all her children.
Hospitality: The creative art of love
We use our varied gifts to find creative ways to foster in our home and the places we minister an atmosphere of peace, love, joy so as to make it a place of encounter with the Lord.
We offer a ministry of prescence to the Church and to the world, striving to embrace all opportunities to proclaim Jesus as our Lord and Redeemer to all we meet, and to offer ourselves as visible signs of the hope that God is planting in the Church. We open our hearts to the Holy Spirit so as to always be available for the work of the New Evangelization.