Queenship of Mary Community

Motherhouse Campaign

Would you like to help Advance Blessed Mother's plan for the Queenship of Mary community?

We invite you to partner with us in our vision to build a Motherhouse at
351 Lake George Road in Plantagenet, Ontario, Canada!

We invite you to become "living stones" in this building project through your financial and prayerful support. By doing so you will assist in advancing our Blessed Mother's plan for the Queenship of Mary Community...a plan to help a world in desperate need come to experience the peace of God.

What is a Motherhouse?

A Motherhouse is the heart of a religious community...in other words, this is the first construction of a home that will serve as the principle residence of the community. It is the home-base where the sisters return for restoration and gather together as a united body. We also envision the land to eventually become a place where people will experience the Lord in a personal way through the beauty of nature. Our hope in the future is to become perpetual adorers of the Blessed Sacrament, praying for the world in our chapel, the true heart of the convent. This place of refuge will assist our Blessed Mother in bringing those in darkness into God's marvelous light.

See the slides below for some architectural drawings of the interior and exterior of our future Motherhouse.

 Please note below the different ways that you can contribute to the Capital Campaign.

The Queenship of Mary Community is a registered charitable organization in Canada (BN: 852023381RR0001) and we will be happy to send you a tax receipt for income tax purposes. 

  • Mail a cheque payable to "Queenship of Mary Community" to our address: 1030 Baseline Road Ottawa, ON K2C 0A6

  • Send an "E-Transfer" to our e-mail address: thequeenshipofmary @gmail.com. Please send us your name and address for tax receipts. Please send us an email to advise us of the e-transfer security answer to assure an efficient funds transfer. Thank you kindly!

  • Click the button below to download and print the monthly automatic withdrawal donor form. Please complete the form and return to us (by mail or by e-mail scan) with a VOID cheque.

  • For international donations, you may donate through Canada helps! Note: We are not able to accept Paypal, Zelle or Venmo, but feel free to use Canada Helps as an equivalent for credit card donations.

See our fundraising progress below!

Thank you so much for your generous support!

Keep up to date on the progress of our
Motherhouse building project!