Please note below the different ways that you can donate
The Queenship of Mary Community is a registered charitable organization in Canada (BN: 852023381RR0001)
and we will be happy to send you a tax receipt for income tax purposes.
If you would like to donate to the Motherhouse Campaign,
Please specify on your donation " For Motherhouse Capital Campaign".
Mail a check payable to “The Queenship of Mary Community” to
351 Lake George Road,
Plantagenet, ON, K0B1L0
Send an "E-Transfer"
to our e-mail address:
**We now have auto deposit for e-transfer! Your donation will be automatically deposited into our account when you send an e-transfer to the email above.
For all E-transfers please include your name, full address, postal code, phone number, and email address in the message section of the E-transfer.
Click below to download and print the monthly automatic withdrawal donor form. Please complete the form and return to us (by mail or by e-mail scan) with a VOID cheque.
Credit card option:
For international donations, you may donate through Canada helps!
** Note: We are not able to accept Paypal, Zelle or
Venmo, but feel free to use Canada Helps as an equivalent for credit card donations.
For all donations from Europe or overseas countries, please contact us for the most efficient & safest way to donate. Thank you kindly.